new year, new year's eve, fireworks

Good Thoughts for the New Year

"There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind" said by CS Lewis

Well, Here it is2021!  Instead of dwelling on things past, let’s think of  GOOD things ahead.  Just when it seemed like 2020, the worst year of our lives, would NEVER end, it finally has given up and allowed the New Year, 2021 to come to us!  Thankfully, if we are to believe the above CS Lewis quote, and I do, we have lots of good in store for us.

I believe we can go into 2021 with some optimism for our future.  The Covid vaccines (we have 2 at present with more to come)  have been developed.  They are being shipped all over the country and are being administered to front line workers and the over 65’s (Rita and I fit that description) of the population.  It seems like a slow start but at least, it’s a start.   

Along with the Vaccine, we HOPE that other improvements like the recovery of our economy, kids going back to school in classrooms, small businesses like the Mom & Pop’s of the country, can open back up and start to recoup their losses.  We are looking forward to having dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.

With every new year, come lots of  resolutions for many of us.  When you consider all the problems that 2020 dumped on us, personal resolutions may not seem that important.  

Consider this quote by Brad Paisley, “Tomorrow (Jan.1) is the first blank page of a 365-page book.  Write a good one!”

This could and Should be everyone’s Resolution!

The New Year always brings out our resolve

The usual thoughts of quitting something like drinking, smoking or other undesirable habits or starting something like a new diet, a new business, a blog or other aspiration become our aim.  Also, we have all good intensions  to magically declutter our homes, offices and lives the first week of the new year. 

Those resolutions usually don’t make it too far into the year before we’ve forgotten all or most of them.

So, it seems to me that a better way to look at all these declarations would be to attack them in smaller bites, especially if it’s a diet.  Set yourself small goals, like a week at a time or a couple of weeks to finish a given task.  Even quitting smoking or drinking can be done for a month and then see how it goes.

Things like decluttering can be broken up into small segments like one  drawer, cabinet or closet at a time.  If it’s a new business or blog, take small steps so you don’t get over-whelmed and try to work on it every day. 

Remember, even a small accomplishment should be congratulated, (by ourselves).

Rete and I always (for the last 4 years anyway) take the month of January to kind of detoxify – no drinking, getting our diets back in shape, and walking 2 miles a day.  It makes us feel good and it’s a small goal that we can stick with.  

We hope & pray for a peaceful 2021

Hopefully, we the citizens of America, will be able to resume all the daily activities that we have taken so for granted for our entire lives.  Things like unrestricted travel, visiting family and friends, being able to attend church, speaking our minds freely, just to name a few.

Most of all, we want to be able to HUG and kiss our family and friends.

A few more quotes to think about in the New Year

“The  bad news is, time flies
The good news is, you’re the pilot” by Michael Altshuler

“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again”  Buddha

“Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for Hate, Regret, or Fear”  Unknown

” The beginning is the most important part of the work”   Plato

“It always seems impossible until it’s done”  Nelson Mandela

And finally…………..

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream”  CS Lewis

Anyway, Rete & I wish you and yours a very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and love-filled 2021!