cabbage soup

Covid weight-gain? Here’s help – Cabbage Soup!

It's Cabbage Soup Time

What happened?

In addition to everything else Covid did to us, being on Lock-down for several months, created the “perfect storm” for some of us.  We were at home with no friends or family, nothing much to do except getting on our devices, looking for some entertainment. And, guess What??  There were all sorts of cooking shows on there. They were whipping up things like sourdough bread, all kinds of pastries and desserts and all manner of “goodies”, that could make you forget how miserable you felt. So, we cooked and we ate and we cooked and we ate and we cooked some more and we ate some more! So, at least some of us ended last year with a few extra pounds.

So, It's Cabbage Soup time!

What To Do?

Well, I’m finally tired of carrying around this extra 6# of “Covid weight”. I saw a couple of entries online about cabbage soup and it reminded me that I used to make this soup to drop a couple of pounds when needed.
And I need it NOW!!!

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Fist of all, my favorite chopper of all time,
“The Ninja Express Chop”.  This little baby does it all.  It chops , large or small, it purees, it makes great smoothies.  And it’s under $20.00.  Our original favorite chopper was the “Ninja Magic Bullet” .This is still a great little  chopper, blender and we use it all the time.  The Magic Bullet set comes with different sized cups & lids so you can do your smoothies right in a serving cup.  We’ve had ours for years and it just keeps on “ticking”.

Note: I am not a dietician or Health professional, but I did use this recipe to keep me on a diet (something to eat between meals).
Also, Weight Watchers used to have a similar recipe,  which I believe was “0” points.

My Recipe for Cabbage Soup

In a big pot:
1/2 head of cabbage, sliced or rough chopped
3 mini sweet peppers, sliced
2 fresh tomatoes, cut
1 onion, chopped
4 ribs of celery, chopped
handful of carrots, 1/2″ cut
1 lg. can crushed tomatoes
1 can Black Beans, drained
1 box chicken or veg broth
8-10 oz tomato juice or V-8
1 t. salt, pepper to taste
1 Tbs. Soy sauce.
 2 tsp. Cumin 
Water to cover
Bring to boil, while stirring & cook for 15 min.
Turn heat to simmer & cook 1 hour until done.
We prepped all the chopped veggies with 
the Ninja Express Chop.  If a purchase is made, we may make a small commission as part of the Amazon Associates Affiliate program
We love this machine – it’s so quick and does a great job.  Just remember to pulse it instead of holding the button down or you’ll have “mush”.
I usually go thru my crisper & see what needs to be gone and add it before cooking. You can add almost any vegetable like spinach, green beans, zucchini , broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus. Whatever you have.

Some of the fresh ingredients – see note at end

The canned ingredients

cabbage soup

Save to use later

Once this is cooked, cool it down and refrigerate or freeze. I usually freeze part (it makes alot) and keep enough for a few days in the fridge.

How it works for me

This soup is really good and good for you because it’s all vegetable.

Then, when I want to lose a pound or two, I eat a light breakfast and substitute this soup for lunch and dinner for a couple of days a week.  

Also, I keep this in the fridge and grab a 1/2c or so for a snack when I’m feeling a snack craving coming on.

I wouldn’t stay on this for any length of time – just from the boredom factor alone.  But for a few pounds, I can eat almost anything for a short while.

Try this for a quick loss of a few pounds. If you don’t need to lose weight, it’s good anyway!   Good Luck!!