meditation, reflection, woman

Another Lesson in Finding Peace

How do You find Peace?

meditation, reflection, woman

What's Your Go-To Way to find it?

Do you know how to put yourself in a peaceful state of mind?  For some of us it might be going into your private place and reading the Bible and praying.  Some might do a similar thing and call it meditating. Some might do Yoga.

Whatever you do,  it usually starts with relaxing, especially the mind.  But, it’s hard to get yourself into a relaxed state if you haven’t had a good nite’s rest.  And it’s hard to get a good nite’s rest, if you can’t turn off your mind.

 I have several ways I go about it  so I can drift off to sleep.  One of the ways to stop the “to do” list in my mind,  is by keeping a notepad & pencil by my bed.  Whenever I get into that cycle of over & over, & over with the list making, I grab the notepad and write my list.  It doesn’t matter if I can or can’t read all of it the next day.  I can usually get enough out of it to recreate the “list” or the “brilliant idea, or the “masterful insight”.  

Another idea I find helpful, is to keep a Gratitude Journal.  Every morning, jot down 5-10 things you’re grateful for and read through them before you go to bed at night.  This can be the beginning of your evening prayer time and it gives your mind something good to think about.

And of course, a happy mind is, for the most part, a mind at peace. As my Dad always said, “Happiness is an inside job”.  Try to surround yourself with happy people, read or view something happy at least once a day and think “happy” thoughts.  Sounds like “Pollyanna”?  Try it,  IT WORKS!!

Or Do what My Friend, Lea Salafia, does

She writes poetry to bring her peace and joy. Lea celebrates her family and friends with heartfelt poems for their special occasions.  They are so beautiful and meaningful.

The poem that follows is one that Lea wrote to finally bring peace to her own heart for something that happened 77 years ago.  She has carried that memory with her for all these years and just recently put her feelings down on paper.  It has finally given her the peace about it that she has been searching for, for so long.  

Please read it and enjoy it as I have.

"Paul Ragusa"

I remember the knock on the door,
Yes, it was 1944 and I was only 4.
I heard her scream, her cry was agony,
We are home alone, just her and me.
She was my sitter, the most precious person ever,
She was told the news that would change her life forever.
I was frightened, didn’t know what to do,
Ran under the table to hide from view.
Sobbing she came looking for me,
But the boots of the men were all I could see.
She reached for me, held me to her heart,
I knew I was safe, but she was falling apart.
She took me to her rocking chair, our safe place,
Where  she held me in her arms and I could see her beautiful face.
One by one they all came home, my mom, Paul’s father, Lucy, Franny and Ann
A new life for them just simply began.
WWII took the life of my best friend, a son, a brother
A life that could never be filled with another.

I’m 81, and I thank God that He has given me a life long memory of this beautiful family with a very wonderful, loving son.  I’ve seen so many changes, this man died for our country, our liberties, our freedom, and for the right to serve our God and to fly our FLAG WITH PRIDE.

I see our country changing, the disrespect, the disgusting attitudes towards our police, our military, our country.  My heart breaks, men and women like my friend, Paul, gave their lives for us.  Thank you dear friends of Six Lakes for your kindness, for fond memories and thank you especially to our dedicated Veterans who defended our country, and still dig our holes, put out poles and fly our flags.  Kudos to the ones who make me look up, put my hand to my heart and thankfully sing “GOD BLESS AMERICA”.

This is my beautiful friend, Lea Salafia and her husband, Mike

So, there are many means to the “end ” of finding   peace & joy in your life. 

What makes you feel at peace?  I’d love to hear how you achieve that inner calmness, when you are troubled by uncomfortable or disturbing thoughts.

We all need to be able to get ourselves to a state of peace & joy so we can enjoy our lives to the fullest.

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything”   – Irish proverb

Make a practice of thinking and being happy – you’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel.

1 thought on “Another Lesson in Finding Peace”

  1. Your is amazing,
    Your work just simply deserves praising.
    Thank you, Lea Salafia

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